Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy New Year

Who's excited for a new year?  Who was more than ready to put 2014 in the books?  So we're four days are those resolutions?  

If I'm being honest, 2014 wasn't a terrible year for me.  Yeah it definitely had its downs.  It downright sucked at times.  But I can't complain too much.  I met some of my most favorite new friends in 2014, got a new niece, got a new nephew, finally took control of my health and wellness (have lost 53 lbs so far...what up!), landed an awesome job, did some was pretty great.  I'm super excited to see what 2015 will bring!  

So I'd say if you haven't broken your new years resolutions yet you're doing pretty darn good!  Or are you one of those people that thinks making resolutions is cliche and dumb and pointless? That's ok, too.  I definitely get it.  But I do think the beginning of a new year is a good time to reevaluate things. You know, to make sure we're doing things to make ourselves happy and healthy. I think it's important to reevaluate old habits...maybe some friendships...just to make sure we aren't on the verge of toxicity.  So that's what I've begun to do.  I didn't make any resolutions, per se. Wait, yes I did.  I made one.  But it's a secret and only a couple of people very close to me know about it so that they can keep me accountable.  ;) I have begun, though, to reevaluate life, habits, friendships...just to make sure I'm keeping myself happy and healthy.  

So that's the deal.  What are your plans for 2015?  Are you as excited as I am??  Maybe I'll even blog a little more often....
