Thursday, December 19, 2013

End of Semester, NLN Nursing Exam, a New Job, and Another New Job

Wow, it's been a while! 

I've been locked up lately studying for finals and trying to pull a 4.0 my first semester back in school.  And guess what...I DID IT!  It put a little bit of a hinder on my social life towards the end, but the studying and hard work paid off and I ended the semester with an A in all my classes.  So proud! 

Although the semester ended, the studying didn't.  After I finished my last final I immediately had to start preparing for the NLN Nursing Entrance Exam.  I had heard from several people that this test was "stupid easy," but I bought the handbook and studied it just to be on the safe side.  And I'm glad I did!  I took the test this morning, and y'all, I struggled!  I'm not a stupid person (see 4.0 reference above) but it was tough for me.  I'm going to blame it on the fact that I have been out of high school for so long and some of that stuff I haven't studied in about 20 years.  We'll go with that, right?  Right.  I won't have my score for a few weeks, but fingers crossed that I scored high enough to get into a nursing program.

Since the last time I posted, I also got a new job!  And then ANOTHER new job!  (Whaaa??) So, I interviewed for a position at a small doctor's office and was hired on the spot to do front desk, insurance verification, pull medical records, and do some medical assisting.  Great experience for school and for nursing in the future, but the pay was low.  VERY low.  And then between New Hire Orientation and actually starting work I got a call from another company with which I had been in contact and was offered a similar job, but for way more money.  So I had to make a decision.  The first one would have been better experience, but the second pays more, is still in the medical field, and even mentioned an RN job post-graduation.  The right choice seems clear, right?  Wouldn't you know I still struggled with which job to take.  I talked to a couple of my friends and to my family and listed out the pros and cons of each and decided to take the second job.  Have you ever had to let one company know you have decided to accept a position elsewhere?  It's terrible!  It's like breaking up with someone.  I made myself so sick over it, worrying about upsetting the people at the first office, which is so silly.  But I thanked them for a wonderful opportunity and respectfully declined the position.  So tomorrow I go for my (second of the week) New Hire Orientation and CPR certification.  While the last nine months (being unemployed) have been some of the most fun months of my life with all my travels and whatnot, I'm a little excited to get some structure and normalcy back in my life.  Now, let's see if I can pull a 4.0 next semester while working a full time job at the same time!

Hope you and yours are having a fabulous Holiday season so far!


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