Tuesday, November 26, 2013

North Mississippi Allstars, Rebels, and Katniss Everdeen...A Weekend Recap

I'm a little late posting my weekend recap.  The school semester is coming to an end and I've been swamped since I got back to Memphis!  But I had an AWESOME weekend!

So this was the first game this season that I didn't have a place in Oxford.  (And thankfully the last.)  We went back and forth so much with our plans.  Do we try to find someone to crash with for the weekend?  Do we just rent a limo to take us down there Saturday morning and bring us back Saturday night?  Plans changed a few times.  My sister, BIL, nephew, one of my fav friends, and I ended up heading down Friday afternoon and staying with some friends for the night, and I'm glad we did!  We had so much fun!  We got to town around 5 and shortly after my nephew was invited to go to the Rebels basketball game and spend the night with some of his friends, so the adults headed out for a fun night.  We started out with drinks on the square...always fun...then moved on for dinner (and more drinks, of course.) 

 As luck would have it, the North Mississippi Allstars were playing at The Lyric on the square Friday, so of course we couldn't miss that!  If you haven't checked them out, do it!  Awesome!

You know it's about to get real when they bring out the washboard!
The show was awesome!
The last three of us that made it out the longest finally decided it was time to catch a cab and get home.  We had a big day ahead of us.  Oh...and leave it to me to NOT see a step (that's the story I'm sticking with anyways) and fall straight forward...ALL the way down...once we get outside.  Thankfully my knees caught me before my face hit the concrete.  And considering I didn't even rip my leather leggings, I'm calling this one a success.

(Excuse the pasty skin color...I gave up tanning because it was starting to make me look old.)
Oh, and my sister in reference to my injury: "Well, that's one of your less severe ones."  She's right.  :/
Saturday morning was REEEEEAAAAAL questionable.  At one point I woke up and promised I wasn't going to the grove OR to the game.  I was going to lay right there in that bed until I could stand up without puking and then crawl to my car and drive home.  Thankfully by about 8:30 I was sort of in the land of the living and could get up, eat something, and start getting ready.  Can't say the same for my friend...he took a little longer.  But by the time we got out to the grove we were both able to rally and get the party started all over again. 

At this tailgate we all wrote on cards things we were thankful for and displayed them on a line of twine.  These were a few of my favorites.  :)

Some of my favorite ladies!  (Trying really hard to stay warm!)
Before we knew it, and way before I was ready to endure more cold, it was time to head in to the stadium.  We played Mizzou on Saturday and it was STUPID cold.  The only thing I remember from the game was trying to stay warm.  Oh, and my friend acting real confused during the Hotty Toddy chant.  He was a real trooper, though.  He played the rebel part well all weekend, especially considering he's a...shhhh...vol.  :/  Somehow, though, my family found a way to accept him.  (haha)  Anyways, we lost to Mizzou and I honestly didn't even care.  I was just ready to get warm.  Still love my rebs!  Hotty Toddy!
When the game was over we went ahead and jumped in the car and headed back to Memphis.  I had to be at church Sunday morning and getting home late Saturday sounded better than having to get up really early on Sunday.
Sunday after church some friends got together to go see Catching Fire, the new Hunger Games movie.  It was right in line with the book and I LOVED it!  Nikki and I were like giddy little girls in the theater the whole time.  So good.  Plus I have a girl-crush on Jennifer Lawrence/Katniss Everdeen.  The boys were a little less enthused, but what do they know?  After the movie we went for Mexican to end the fun weekend.  Annnnd I've had my nose in school books ever since. 
How was your weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lord Jess....your poor knees!!! Hope they are getting better! Have a fabulous (and hopefully..fall free) Thanksgiving!
